From The Island Of Misfit Toys

A nony mous is a good mous.

Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003 + 10:06 a.m.

I�m going to my 20th high school reunion in a few months (September 12, 13 and 14 � like it�s friggin� Woodstock or something). So I�ve been getting chatty with a few people I haven�t spoken to in a loooooooong time.

Some of these folks I haven�t said one word to since graduation day.

Others I used to schtup.

And others are exactly the same people they were at 17��plus 94 lbs.

This should be a VERY interesting reunion.

I�m bringing a video camera.

So, I�ve been checking in on the reunion plans via, which is a helpful, yet annoying tool for getting in touch and gathering info about people who�ve disappeared from your life, or people you used to stalk � or want to stalk again, etc.

You can semi-anonymously email people without them getting your ACTUAL email address (kind of like Diaryland) and there�s even a chat room, which no one is ever in, except me because I just want to find out what kind of goober hangs out in their high school chat room.

Hey, I guess that would be me.

Well, I ended up contacting this one girl, woman, wogirl who I used to be close to twenty years ago � forgetting that while she was a delightful person, she was a SERIOUS fundamentalist.

That�s the kind of thing that doesn�t just go away, either.

I emailed her once anonymously and everything seemed cool enough, so I gave her my REAL email address thinking it would be nice to exchange photos of beasties, etc.


She sent this really sweet note saying she wanted to keep in touch and then mentioned that she�s not into a lot of email forwards, jokes, whatever and that she only sends on the odd tidbit here and there and requested the same from me.

Cool! No argument here. I hate getting all that shit jamming my mailbox. My sister-in-law makes a habit of forwarding every Goddamned little story, joke, political statement etc. that she finds even remotely interesting to her closest 200 friends and relatives.

My father is worse � I won�t even share his horrid email manners with you, but it suffices to say that he is bad, very bad.

Very, very bad.

Anyway, my high school buddy immediately starts forwarding everything under the sun to me including scary religious stuff and very conservative political slams aimed at people with views like mine. I also received urgent emails that I must forward to 10 of my closest friends or die in the eternal burning flames of hell, but not before I suffer an extremely unfortunate and unlucky event.

Too late � the unlucky event already took place.

I gave her my email address a week ago.

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