From The Island Of Misfit Toys

Drag Queen Den Mother?

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 + 4:01 p.m.

The reason I haven�t updated in a while is that I�ve been really busy in all areas of my life. Work particularly and that is where I was doing a fair amount of my updates.

I decided that it was taking waaaaaaaaay too much energy to make myself look busy at work as opposed to actually doing my job which I�ve found out in the last couple weeks isn�t near as bad as I had previously thought.

Wow. What an insight.

Anyway, life at home is crazier than ever, too and I don�t feel like I�ve stopped for ten seconds since school for my second grader started.

We bought a Cub Scout uniform last night. I was guessing that it was going to be between $50 and $75. I was praying for less, but it actually cost almost $100 for the whole kit and caboodle. I wonder if he�d consider being a Cub Scout for Halloween??

AND we went to our first Cub Scout meeting on Monday night (without the uniform) and there was a scrumptious hunk of a dad there. I happened to glance down at the table while I was looking at our Wolf book and this guys nails were REALLY REALLY LONG. Waaaay longer than most women I know. Longer than some fake nails I've seen.

They were nicely oval-shaped and everything! I like to think of myself as a free thinker and all, but it truly grossed me out more than I can say. And they weren�t even dirty or anything.

I just kept picturing what his toenails must look like.

I wonder if he cuts his wife with them in his sleep.


Maybe he's a drag queen.

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